Category: Firefox

Remove a Word From Firefox's Dictionary

Typos often happen, even to the best of typists. Unfortunately these typos can be added to the spell check with a simple clicko as you attempt to correct your typo. Fortunately, its relatively easy to fix this mistake, even if it is a bit of a pain. You will have...

Securely Browse the Web with SSH and a Static IP

Connecting an open network and then sending out confidential information over that said network is an invitation to having your information compromised. The best way to ensure that your data is safe is to encrypt the data, but not every site is set up to allow encryption. However, assuming that...

Give Me a Free Option Please

I really don't enjoy using Windows for general purpose things - I'll grant that some special applications require this, and I understand that many businesses use Windows as the only operating system on their network. But I really hate it when *on my computer* I have no choice but to...

Failing to get off Adobe Flash

Yesterday I finally tired of the horrible things that the flash plugin I was using did to my CPU from time to time. Seeing as I was using the adobe version, I thought it might be worth trying to install one of the open source alternatives. Most recently, I had...