Category: Rant

Sunbird is obscured by the thunderstorm, but still no Lightning

With the start of college, I had to start using a calendar in order to keep track of the times of my classes, and what days each class was on. To do this, I simply used to Google Calendar, and then setup my phone to pull in that calendar. Now,...

Why I Don't Like Grub2

Every Ubuntu installation since Ubuntu 9.10 installs Grub2 by default. In many ways this is great - Grub2 has a number of new features, and has become more portable and modular than older versions of Grub. The catch is, if you don't need the new features that it provides, it...

Antivirus is a Must

It doesn't matter what operating system you run, there is always a risk of a security flaw. Even in Unix style operating systems, various programs have been created which take advantage of the user, often in the form of a Trojan (malware which masquerades as something else so that the...

Give Me a Free Option Please

I really don't enjoy using Windows for general purpose things - I'll grant that some special applications require this, and I understand that many businesses use Windows as the only operating system on their network. But I really hate it when *on my computer* I have no choice but to...